Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Lesson Study


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

Lesson study is an effort to improve the teacher ability in order to held the teaching learning process with research and reflection ways sistematicly in that teaching learning. The purpose of lesson study is to improve the teacher serve to the student needed in learning. The main of lesson study is there are a teamwork between teacher and the other teacher or lecture to observation, research and reflection the teaching learning process.

The steps in lesson study is divide into 4 steps. They are : preparation, doing, reflection and repair part one and reflection and repair part two. In the preparation steps, teacher should do together to prepare the lesson plan. Then in the main activity, one teacher do the teaching learning process and the other as the researcher. After that, the teachers and lecture discuss about the activity and arrange the strategy to solve the problem that appear. It’s call the reflection and repair. It’s repeatly until the goals done.

As we know that lesson study done in order to do the innovative education by repair the teaching learning process. There are some paradigm that relevant to it. They are student centered, contrustructivist, realistic mathematics and contextual teaching learning.

Another that lesson study can be reach the goal if the teacher is openly, has a high commitment, developing the infrasystem that support it and as a movement of all component. If its can be done the lesson study will be not happening and can’t reach the goal. Why? It’s because to held it, teacher must work harder and need to collaborate to the other component.

In order to implement the lesson study, the back bone of it is lesson plan. It’s because the lesson plan serve the student needed in learning, reflect the student activity, reflect the various interaction, reflect the various media, reflect the various method and figure the schema of reaching the competence, figure the development of evaluation, reflect the innovation, needs to always revised, as research aid, etc. Another that lesson plan is a communication aid. By that teacher can communicate what will they do in the teaching learning process.

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