Asumsi Dasar Kharakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Mateamtika Berbasis Kompetensi di SMP
By : Dr.
Reviewed by : Rosalia
According to the government role that has bean already held the plotting of based on competency curriculum, so all component of education (Stake Holder) needs to participate to give an advice or opinion. To understand the basic concept of developing mathematics curriculum based on competency, needs to understanding basic assumption of the characteristic of mathematic, student and learning mathematic as the base to developing mathematic curriculum based on competency in junior high school.
Planning and developing curriculum is one work that need deep understanding and comprehensive to satisfy the role. Now days in
There are six principles that must be seen in order to develop the mathematic syllabi based on competency. There are : learn opportunity for all student, curriculum not just a collection of material but also can reflected the mathematic activity, mathematic learning need to understand about the student needs in learning, apperception and facility in learning, opportunity to all student to learn mathematic actively to construct the concept by knowledge and experience, there are need an assessment to increase the learning quality from time to time and used various strategy and method dinamicly and flexible according the material, student and learning context.
Mathematic education based on competency paralyzed on the ability that should had by the graduate, so the curriculum developed based on the expanding the competency standard became base competency. The competency standard is an ability that can be done or show in mathematic learning. Then the base competency is a minimum ability in the mathematics subject that must be had by the student. The base competency consists of the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor ability.
The main problems in mathematics learning related with the aim of the learning, ways to reach it, and how to know that the purpose was done. Because of that the syllabi of mathematics subject needs to arrange so consist of the main lines of learning that related to the characteristic of mathematics according to the competency that want to reached.
The experience and learning activity is an activity that needs done by the student in order to reach the base competency and the material. Viewed in the competency that want to reach, the learning experience can remembering, using or finding. Viewed from the material view, the learning experience can be related with the finding of fact, concept, principle, etc. the learning experience can be gets well in or out of class. The learning experience of student can be supported with the ready material, the direct object or not direct that contextually.
Because of that, the learning strategy that can develop has principles : based on the problem solving, learn in various contexts in daily life, student became the active learner, achieve the unique of the student and pay attention with the diversity, learn by cooperative learning and develop the assessment in the evaluation system. The development of experience and learn activity is the ecencial from the mathematics curriculum based on competency, where here consist the understanding about the characteristic of mathematics, student and learning mathematics.
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