By : Drs. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS
Maybe some people think that’s its easy to teach. But when they try to do it they will be find that it’s not easy to manage the learning process because we meet that students have a problem in their study like what Jaworski said. Because of that, he said that there are no right way to teach. In other hand there are reality that it’s not easy for teacher to change their teach style.
From the focus, there are four different view how the learning should be done. They are : content focused- conceptual understanding, content focus-performance, learner focus-construction and classroom focus- effective classroom. If viewed from how teacher or lecture teach there are two side : traditional versus progressive, otoriter versus democrat, classical versus individual, transfer of knowledge versus cognitive development, structured versus structure less, teacher centered versus student centered, teacher directed versus student initiative, dependent versus independent and the last is result oriented versus process oriented.
In order to promote the learning inovation, Cocroft Report(1982 : 132) recommending that in every education level, learning should be give opportunity to teacher for use the chosen teaching method that’s related to the ability of the student level such as : exposision method by the teacher, discussion method among teacher and the student or among the student, problem solving method, investigasion method, base ability excercisse and principles, application method.
Education based on competency now was the alternate to held learning that’s focus in the ability that’s should be had for the graduate. That’s curriculum develop based on the expanding competency standard became base ability. The standard competency is the ability that’s can be done or viewed in learning. Then the base ability is a minimum ability in the subject that’s must be had by the student. the base ability can be the affective ability, congnitiff and psicomotor. That curriculum try to develop the learn experience in the first hand, contextual teaching and learning, meaningfull teaching, pay attention in the life skill.
In order to realize the inovative learning to mede the student learn interesting there are some concept that must be understand cosist of the understanding about the reality of knowledge in each space, the reality of educate subject and the attitude change and the implementation that related with the paradigma movement.
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