Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011




TEACHING : Action Research of Indonesian Secondary Mathematics Teaching

By : Dr. Marsigit,MA, dkk

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

Dalam GBHN dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan nasional perlu untuk selalu didefinisakn kembali, dikembangkan dan diperkuat dengan legisalasi yang terkait dan memberikan prioritas untuk menjabarkan peluang dan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. pemerintah Indonesia senatiasa berusaha untuk mningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di seluruh tingkatannya dengan meningkatkan kualitas guru, penyediaan fasilitas dan perlengkapan, peningkatan kurikulum pendidikan dan pengembangan dan penyatuan teknologi komunikasi untuk pendidikan dalam rangka mendukung proses belajar mengajar.

Peningkatan kualitas guru merupakan isu dasar yang berpengaru terhadap peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan kualitas dari pembelajaran mampu mencerminkan atau medekati dengan apa yang dilakukan guru dalam kelas. Dalam hal ini guru diharapkan mampu memanajemen kelas dengan baik. Baik dalam memanajemen waktu materi maupun siswanya sendiri.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran matematika di sekolah menengah, pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia secara umum masih dilakukan dengan cara guru menjelaskan dan memberikan pertanyaan kemudian siswa mengerjakannya di bangku masing-masing. Fungsi dari guru adalah sebagai pusat dari pembelajaran. Guru mengatur dan menentukan kegiatan dalam kelas sedangkan siswa cenderung kurang aktif dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. Selain itu, guru juga nampak belum mampu mengimplementasikan perenacanaan pembelajarannya secara optimal. Untuk itu diperlukan peningkatan kemamupuan guru dengan mengubah gaya mengajarnya salah satunya dengan melaksanakan penelitian.

Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan praktek pengajaran matematika sebagai dasar dari model mengajar yang baik bagi sekolah menengah dan juga sebagai asumsi dasar yang dapat dipelajari guru. adapun proses dari penelitian ini sendiri adalah perumusan masalah dan penganasisisan masalah. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan renacana strategi. Setelah itu strategi di terapkan dalam pembelajaran dan dilakukan observasi. Kemudian dilakukan evaluasi dan refleksi dan dilanjutkan dengan siklus pada penelitian tindakan seperti pada umumnya.

Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan beberapa permasalahna ynag ditemui oleh guru. permasalah tersebut antara lain : mencakup berbagai kebutuhan dari kompetensi akademik, melaksanakan pembelajaran yang menuntut siswa aktif, serta mengembangkan media pembelajaran. Guru juga kesulitan untuk mengembangkan fungsi dari LKS, mengembangkan skema untuk komunikasi dalam kelompok, dan mengembangkan media dan materi ajar. Untuk itu tidak hanya diperlukan pemberian pembekalan atau pendampingan saja akan tetapi juga diperlukan dukungan dan motivasi dari pihak-pihak lain seperti sistem pendidikan dan lingkungan sekolah.

Dengan meninvestigasi dan mengembangkan praktek pembelajaran yang baik di sekolah menengah mengunakan penelitian tindakan oleh guru mampu mengubah dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran agar mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran matematika. dalam penelitian ini tercatat bahwa masih diperlukan banyak usaha keras oleh guru untuk menampilkan praktek mengajar yang baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyarankan guru untuk meningkatkan pengajaran matematikanya dengan bermacam-macam kebutuhan kompetensi akademik siswa, mengupayakan agar siswa menjadi pembelajar yang aktif, menggunakan metode mengajar yang bervariasi, dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran dan materi pembelajaran.



By : Drs. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

Generally mathematic teachers difficult to serve the differences mathematic ability of the student. For the smarts student, teacher ever pursue their activity and waiting the student who didn’t too smart. For them the teacher try to motivated them, so they can catch the material such as the smart one although it’s a difficult. A high NEM target and finish the syllabi is two main factor that why teacher sound like not other choice except using the expository method in their lesson. That method emphasized on give a task in classical teaching. Because of that, the student was not like mathematics subject.

According this situate, teacher need to reform their method into the innovative one. And in order to make the student interesting with mathematic subject Ebbut, S and Straker, A (1995), give an advice how to teach mathematic by planning, learning and evaluation. In planning level, teacher should prepare the plan of learning environment and the mathematics activity.

In order to planning the environment of mathematics learning, teacher needs to choose the reference that needs, planning the flexible activity, planning the physic environment of learning, invite the student to create the learning environment, develop the social environment of student, planning the activity to work together, push the student to respected each other, search the student feel about mathematic and develop the mathematics model.

The to plan the mathematics activity teacher should planning the balance mathematics activity in them material, time, difficulty, activity, etc, planning the open ended activity, planning the activity according to the student ability, develop the topic, built the mathematics mental, use various reference.

And then when the teachers start to teach, they should pay attention to develop their role and manage time to the student. To develop the teacher role, teacher should push and develop the student understanding, give opportunity to all student to show their ability to do the mathematics activity, it’s doesn’t matter if the student make a mistake, push the student to responsible with their study.

Then to manage the time, teacher should develop the student experience, allocated time, arrange the interaction, see the student activity. The last is evaluation. Here teacher should research the student activity, evaluate them self and asses the understanding, process, ability, fact and result, teacher also need to asses the result and monitored the student improvement.

Developing ICT

Developing ICT for Primary and Secondary Mathematics

Teacher Professional Development : The Use of Video in Lesson Study

By : Dr. Marsigit,MA

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

Sebagian besar calon guru matematika memilki kesempatan yang kecil untuk mengamati pengajaran yang effektif secara langsung di kelas. Pada umumnya pengalaman pertama calon guru berdasarkan pembelajaran yang masih bersifat tradisional. Hal ini dikarenakan motode yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran selama ini masih bersifat tradisional. Disisi lain kesempatan dapat diperoleh dari pengamatan kelas yang bermakna dan interaksi. Pengunaan rekaman video merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan guna mengembangkan TIK sebagai salah satu solusi pengembangan keprofesionalan guru.

Melalui lesson study, guru dapat memiliki pengalaman merefleksikan pengajaran melalui rekaman video. Merefleksikan praktek mengajar matematika yang baik dari konteks yang berbeda mengunakan rekaman video mampu memotivasi guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengajarnya. Di beberapa bidang dari kegiatan pengembangan professional guru di Indonesia sejak tahun 2002, refleksi melalui rekaman video di Jepang dan konteks di indonesea mengahasilkan presepsi guru yang merupakan model yang baik dari pembelajaran matematika yang dapat diimplementasikan di Indonesia.

VTR (Perekam Video) yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki perkembangan di pendidikan matematika, terutama dalam hal pengembangan lesson study memiliki banyak kentunagn antara lain : ringkasan yang pendek dari pelajaran dengan pembahasan masalah utama dalam pelajaran, komponen dan kegiatan utama dalam kelas, isu-isu yang dapat dibahas sekaligus direfleksikan dengan pengamatan guru melalui pelajaran (Isoda, M., 2006). Menurutnya, lesson study dibagi kedalam tiga bagian yaitu : perencanaan pembelajaran, observasi dan diskusi serta refleksi.

Lebih jauh lagi, ketika kita mengunakan VTR, kita sekaligus memulai dari observasi akantetapi VTR itu sendiri kehilangan beberapa dimensi, parameter dan konteks karena program tersebut dipersiapkan atau direkam dari prespektif perekam dan editornya. Dengan mengobservasi VTR, kita belajar dan menerapkannya di aktivitas selanjutnya. Guru di Indonesia dapat memperhatikan pembelajaran yang berbeda di negera yang berbeda (Jepang) melalui VTR.

Guru melihat, bawasanya untuk mengimplementasikan model yang baik dalam pembelajaran matematika ini, didalamnya terdapat beberapa bagin antara lain : Rancangan rencana pembelajaran, lembar kerja siswa, kompetensi guru, modul untuk murid, fasilitas pendidikan dan perlengkapan, metode pembelajrn, lokai waktu, jumlah siswa dan biaya. Guru perlu mengembangkan kompetensinya. Dengan mengembangakan kompetensinya guru dapat mengembangkan RPP serta membuat lembar kerja siswa dengan baik.

Lesson Study


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

Lesson study is an effort to improve the teacher ability in order to held the teaching learning process with research and reflection ways sistematicly in that teaching learning. The purpose of lesson study is to improve the teacher serve to the student needed in learning. The main of lesson study is there are a teamwork between teacher and the other teacher or lecture to observation, research and reflection the teaching learning process.

The steps in lesson study is divide into 4 steps. They are : preparation, doing, reflection and repair part one and reflection and repair part two. In the preparation steps, teacher should do together to prepare the lesson plan. Then in the main activity, one teacher do the teaching learning process and the other as the researcher. After that, the teachers and lecture discuss about the activity and arrange the strategy to solve the problem that appear. It’s call the reflection and repair. It’s repeatly until the goals done.

As we know that lesson study done in order to do the innovative education by repair the teaching learning process. There are some paradigm that relevant to it. They are student centered, contrustructivist, realistic mathematics and contextual teaching learning.

Another that lesson study can be reach the goal if the teacher is openly, has a high commitment, developing the infrasystem that support it and as a movement of all component. If its can be done the lesson study will be not happening and can’t reach the goal. Why? It’s because to held it, teacher must work harder and need to collaborate to the other component.

In order to implement the lesson study, the back bone of it is lesson plan. It’s because the lesson plan serve the student needed in learning, reflect the student activity, reflect the various interaction, reflect the various media, reflect the various method and figure the schema of reaching the competence, figure the development of evaluation, reflect the innovation, needs to always revised, as research aid, etc. Another that lesson plan is a communication aid. By that teacher can communicate what will they do in the teaching learning process.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011



By : Rosalia Hera NS

NIM : 09301244003

Class : Swadana Class of Mathematic Education 2009


Maybe some people think that’s its easy to teach. But when they try to do it they will be find that it’s not easy to manage the learning process because we meet that students have a problem in their study like what Jaworski said. Because of that, he said that there are no right ways to teach. One method that right for a several conditions was not guaranty also right for the other one.

Another that based on the Piaget theory, the development of the cognitive of the student is different. In several age, they may had a bound to understanding the material. Because of that teacher should create an innovative teaching learning process so the aim of the learning will be done. It’s also needs for mathematic teacher. They also need to create an innovative teaching learning process in order to make the student enjoy with the material and can understand it.

In order to crate an innovative teaching learning, teacher must preparing some element that support it. It’s not just in method aspect that must be prepared. There are a lot of the other things that must be prepared. Teacher must be prepared the lesson plan, syllabi, teaching aids, etc. They are all equipment that needs in teaching learning of all subjects including mathematic. Another that teacher also should to pay attention to the other aspect such as the development of the student cognitive ant the mathematic characteristic.

Teacher need to implementing them and also developing them in their teaching learning method in order to manage the teaching learning. By doing this effort teacher can manage teaching learning process well in school specially in junior or senior high school. In the next level or the elementary one, there was special method to managing them.


When we talking about managing teaching learning process in school, there was some elements that’s needs to pay attention such as teacher and student. Managing teaching learning is the responsibility of teacher. They are who had a change to do it. Managing teaching learning in school is how to make a good process of it. And in order to do it there was a lot of thing that’s needs to prepared and done well by the teacher. They are developing and implementing lesson plan; apperception; Various method of teaching, media or teaching aids, interaction; schema for achieving student competency, small group discussion, student reflection, student worksheet and assessment.

1. Developing and Implementing Lesson Plan

Lesson plan is an instrument in teaching that used to planning the learn experience of the student to done the aim of learning. The lesson plans consist of some element. They are identity, competency standard, basic competency, how the learning activity, the resources, and the evaluation. In the identity there explain about the identity of the material, the time allocation and identity of the class. Then the basic competency is related to the competency standard. Or we can said that the basic competency is the expanding from the standard competency.

In how the learning activity, teacher must be write how the learning begin, the method that use and how it’s will be finish. In here teacher should explain in detail what will they done to teach. They also should write the resources that use in the teaching learning process so the student can prepare it. Although the teacher was chose the resources student can search by them self the other resources.

It’s important too, to write down the evaluation or assessment method that will be use. It’s because by write it down teacher has a direction to evaluate the learning process and there will be not a chat. If teacher didn’t do it, it’s perhaps student not agree with the value that they get. But by write it down, they know the way or the standard of the evaluation.

As the direction of the learning activity, lesson plan should be made based on the material and the student’s learn environment. The steps that’s must be done by the teacher to developing and implementing the lesson plan in teaching learning process are : take a unit of learning (The syllabus) that will be applied in learning, write basic standard of competency and competency contained within the units, determine indicators to achieve basic competency, determine the allocation time, formulate the learning activity, determine the learning material to be provide, choose the learning method, arrange the steps of learning activity, mention the sources or learning media that will be use and the last is determine assessment techniques. By doing this steps teacher will be easier to made the good lesson plan and create an innovative teaching.

2. Developing and Implementing Apperception

Apperception is what teacher and student done in order to get prepared the learning or lesson. Actually apperception belongs to student then the teacher just helps them to construct or remembering their understanding about the topic before. Here, teacher as facilitator just facilitated the student to be ready to get new topic or material. Teacher can give them a small exercise to all students or give them quiz. This quiz is not to evaluate the learning process that’s had been done before but just in order to make them ready.

It’s important to be implementing in teaching learning process because if the student didn’t ready, they can’t understand what the teacher teach to them. The material will be just across their mind and they get nothing. Is it was teacher wants or education wants? I think not. They teach the student in order to make them understand and get new material that can be used in their live. So if the student didn’t understand its just bluffing in order to make them understand teacher must facilitated them to be ready to accept the new material with repeating the topic before or give them a simple exercise.

3. Developing and Implementing Various Method of Teaching

Teaching method is ways to teach that can be applied in the learning process in all subjects. Teaching method used to make the learning process more effective and efficient. Like what discuss before there are now right method that can be implement in all condition. The specific method just can be right for several conditions. Because of that, teacher needs to developing and implementing various methods in their teaching. To teach mathematics there are some methods that can be used. They are : natural or classical method, expository method, discussion method, e-learning method, demonstration method, presentation method, tutorial, etc. Here will be explained some of them.

The classical method is one of method that we ever seen in school. In this method teacher was the center of teaching learning process. Teacher explained the material in the whole class in order to give information. This method dominated by the teacher and the student just be a listener. Generally, the communication just in one direction and the student became the passive learner.

The second method is expository method. It’s not too different to the classical method but here the domination of teacher was less. Teacher gives information just when it’s needed such as the beginning of lesson, new topics, etc. Another that section, the student can ask to the teacher, done the exercise or discuss each other.

The next method is discussion method. In here student divided into some groups then they given a problem or topic to discuss. This is can be applied to teach the material that related to the other or not the difficult topic. Why? It’s because student may difficult to understand the topic so the discussion will be not effective. By using this method student will be an active learner. They can share them opinion each other. For the future explanation will be explained in the next section.

Then the demonstration method is a family of expository method but here the participated of the student is greater. Another that, in this method teacher should show their teaching ability (Ruseffendi. 1980 : 174). For the example, demonstrated to prove a theorem, find the formula, and solve a story problem.

Another that, there was a lot of methods that can be used like the explanation before. All of them can be implemented in teaching mathematics in school. But to choose them teacher should consider the condition of their student. It’s needs because if teacher choose the wrong method the aim of teaching learning will be not done. The student will be not understands with the material and the teaching learning was not effective and efficient.

4. Developing and Implementing Various Media or Teaching Aid

Media is all of thing that used to help the teacher to explain the material to the student in the teaching learning process. One kind of them is teaching aid. If the media is not always can be tauch by the student its different to the teaching aid. The teaching aid is a media that can be touch by the student. Or can be said that teaching aid is a real media that we can see the shape. The other kind of them is a multimedia that combine some media from the visulaitation, audio, etc. The example of them are powerpoint, flash, etc.

Like that explained in the meaning of the media, it’s purpose is to help the teacher. Why it’s needed? There are some reson why it’s became important to be implemeted in teaching learning process. First, by using the media student can be more interesting to pay attention. Second, student can easily to understand the material. But teacher should use a various media and teaching aid because if they just use one or two media the student may boring and the aim of using them was failed.

The purpose of using various media are provide variety of activity, provide variety of learning method, provide variety of context and learning atmosphere, and clarify understanding the material. By doing this student will enjoyed the lesson. When they was enjoyed they will be happy to study. Then they will understand the material essily.

Another that, as we know that matematics is an abstrac knowledge. And we also know that the abstraction ability of the student expecialy in junior high school is not too strong. This can be one of the reason why they find a difficulty when studying mathematics. By using the media or here teching aid, student will more understand. It’s because the abstrac material was modeled and show in the real thing. When they can see or touch the model by them self the student will easier to understand and construct their knowledge. For the example when the teacher teach about the circumference of the circle, they can use a coint, or the other thing that the shape is circle and a rope.

To implement and developing it, there are some obtacless. They are arresting a lot of time, requires creativity and skill of teacher, requires more cost and requires a commitment. But all of them can solve easily if there are a commitment between the teacher and the school.

5. Developing and Implementing Various Interaction

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. Casual examples of interaction outside of science include communication of any sort, for example two or more people talking to each other, or communication among groups, organizations, nations or states: trade, migration, foreign relations, transportation. Interaction is also needs in teaching learning activity.

In the tradition method of teaching learning, the learning was dominated by the teacher and the student has been the passive learner. Here, no interaction between teacher and student. The communication just in one direction, but in the innovative teaching learning, there are needs an interaction between the student and the teacher. When the student active they will be more interesting to follow the lesson.

There are some types of interaction that can be use in teaching learning activity. First whole class interaction. In whole class, teachers explain or interact to all of the members of class. In here the student didn’t divided in a group. Or we ca also said that in this types teacher speak in general not specific to one or several student. The second type is group interaction. In this type teacher divide the student into some groups. Then they give an instruction or accompany them to discuss. By using this interaction teacher can more satisfy what the student need. The last is individual interaction. It’s mean that there the interaction just between teacher and one student or student and student.

Although here the explanation about the interaction is between teacher and student, but it’s not only that. The interaction can be made from the student to the other or the interaction with the school component and environment. The various interactions needed because it can make an interesting lesson so the student will be not boring.

6. Developing and Implementing the Schema for Achieving Student Competency (Cognitif Scheme)

A schema is a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information. Schemas can be useful, because they allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information. However, these mental frameworks also cause us to exclude pertinent information in favor of information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and ideas. Schemas can contribute to stereotypes and make it difficult to retain new information that does not conform to our established schemas.

Theorist Jean Piaget introduced the term schema and its use was popularized through his work. According to his stage theory of cognitive development, children go through a series of stages of intellectual development. In Piaget's theory, a schema is both the category of knowledge as well as the process of acquiring that knowledge. As experiences happen and new information is presented, new schemas are developed and old schemas are changed or modified.

Based on Piaget theory student of junior and senior high school was in formal operation level. The main characteristic of that level is hypothesis, abstract, and logic. In that level student was able to think logic, thinking with formal theory based on the proportions and hypothesis, and able to take a conclusion not from what they have research in that time. Here, the abstraction thinking begun.

By understand about that teacher can choose the right method to teach mathematics. As we know that mathematics is an abstract science. And we know that the abstraction of the student is not strong and it’s just start so teacher should choose the method that can solve the problems. It’s an important to pay attention. Why? It’s because if we false to choose, the teaching was not efficient like what describe before.

Another that, the method is not just to do the aim of the learning but also in order to achieving the student competency. It’s because the method chosen by relating it to the development of student cognitive. So, the material can be accepted well and the student didn’t fell paralyzed or think that is so hard to them and became stress.

7. Developing and Implementing Small Group Discussion

The small group discussion was talked before. It’s one kind of the method that can use by the teacher to teach. It’s also one kind of interaction in the class. In small group discussion the class divided into some groups that contains tree until five students in each groups. Then they discuss about something. This is can be applied to teach the material that related to the other or not the difficult topic. Why? It’s because student may difficult to understand the topic so the discussion will be not effective.

Usually, before the student work in group teacher give them the instruction or worksheet. Then they start work in groups. Sometimes its begin with an explanation from the teacher or the teacher give some question to them. When the student did the discussion, teacher walk around the class see the groups one by one. Here teacher as the supervisor, they see the discussion activity and help when the student got a problems or difficulty. Another that, teacher can help by giving a clue or question to construct their knowledge. After the student finish their discussion they may presenting the result. Then the other groups can give the response.

By using this method, student can more understand about the material. It’s because they construct their own knowledge by their own experience. The other reason is in the group they may explore deeper. In groups the discussion will more focus and the opportunity to ask or get answer from their question is bigger. The students also will be an active learner. Another that, they can try to explain their opinion and accept the other opinions. They can share them opinion each other. It’s also can develop the communication skill of the student and their teamwork.

8. Developing and Implementing Student Reflection or Presentation

Reflection is an activity that done in the end of lesson in order to share the conclusion of the lesson activity. In every activity of learning there are goal that’s wants to be realize. In order to know the goal was realize or not it’s can be seen by the reflection. In this activity teacher or the student will resumed what they already learned.

In order to make the innovative teaching teacher should developing and implementing student reflection or presentation. Why? Because with that teacher can know how far the student understand with the material that has been explained. So that teacher can evaluate the learning activity. Teacher can know is it good or must be repair in several aspects. Another that, when the student explain or presented their reflection the teacher can check and repair the student understanding.

By developing and implementing this, the communication skill of the student will be improved. They also can share their opinion to the other. Another that, they more understand. Its because when they presenting the resume they may use their own word. Then, when they can explain by their own word is mean that they understand the material well.

9. Developing and Implementing Student Worksheet

Student worksheet is a collection of problem that given by the teacher to the student that related to the topic. But its not just an arbitary collection. The student worksheet must be consists of the problem that by doing this the student can construct their own knowledge. Another that there are some steps that’s given in order to direct the student solve problem or gets new material. It’s one of the media of teaching learning and also one way to facilitate the student. It’s also has relationship with the small group discussion method. Usually when teacher use that method they use the worksheet as the media to direct the discussion topic.

There was several benefit of using worksheet in teaching learning process. They are student can work independently and for teacher worksheet can use to develop a wide range of activity that can use to learn. By this way hope student can find the material or concept by their self. So they can more understand because it’s based on their own experience.

Based on that explanation, worksheet is important to implement in teaching learning process. Some teacher knows about that and implementing it in their learning. But the implementation was false. There are some teachers that think worksheet as just a collection of problem. So they just collect it from some resources and not in order to construct the student knowledge. They thought that it’s just an exercise for student.

Because of that, the implementation of worksheet must be true so it’s functioned optimally. And in order to develop it, teacher should understand the development of student psychology. The worksheet must be based on the development of student cognitive, psychology and grow so they can learn well. And by that the aim of teaching learning process will be done.

10. Developing and Implementing Assessment

Educational assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. The term assessment is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to help students learn and to gauge student progress. Though the notion of assessment is generally more complicated than the following categories suggest, assessment is often divided for the sake of convenience using the following distinctions: formative and summative, objective and subjective, referencing (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and ipsative), informal and formal. There will be explained one by one.

Assessment is often divided into formative and summative categories for the purpose of considering different objectives for assessment practices. The summative assessment is generally carried out at the end of a course or project. In an educational setting, summative assessments are typically used to assign students a course grade. Summative assessments are evaluative. Then formative assessment is generally carried out throughout a course or project. Formative assessment, also referred to as "educative assessment," is used to aid learning. In an educational setting, formative assessment might be a teacher (or peer) or the learner, providing feedback on a student's work, and would not necessarily be used for grading purposes. Formative assessments are diagnostic.

Either summative or formative assessment is often categorized as either objective or subjective. Objective assessment is a form of questioning which has a single correct answer. Subjective assessment is a form of questioning which may have more than one correct answer or more than one way of expressing the correct answer. There are various types of objective and subjective questions. Objective question types include true/false answers, multiple choice, multiple-response and matching questions. Subjective questions include extended-response questions and essays.

Test results can be compared against an established criterion, or against the performance of other students, or against previous performance: Criterion-referenced assessment, typically using a criterion-referenced test, as the name implies, occurs when candidates are measured against defined and objective criteria. Norm-referenced assessment, typically using a norm-referenced test, is not measured against defined criteria. This type of assessment is relative to the student body undertaking the assessment. It is effectively a way of comparing students. Ipsative assessment is self comparison either in the same domain over time, or comparative to other domains within the same student.

Assessment can be either formal or informal. Formal assessment usually implies a written document, such as a test, quiz, or paper. A formal assessment is given a numerical score or grade based on student performance, whereas an informal assessment does not contribute to a student's final grade such as this copy and pasted discussion question. An informal assessment usually occurs in a more casual manner and may include observation, inventories, checklists, rating scales, rubrics, performance and portfolio assessments, participation, peer and self evaluation, and discussion.

It’s needs to developed and implemented in the learning process because we should understand that the assessment here not just for evaluate the student like in the traditional method. In the innovative one, the assessment is to assess and to record. The only real indicator that a teaching method is effective is if achieves the program objectives and students actually learn. The relationship between learning and assessment is clear and consistent (Peter Westwood. 2008 : 72). So there are not just a final examination but also the other equipment that teacher need to do it.

There are the effort that can be done by the teacher to realize the innovative learning in school. Develop and implement thing that explained here, expected the teacher can manage the teaching learning well. And to develop and implementing them, its not just in arbitrary done. But here, the method or the steps must be based on research so it scientific responsible.

Another that, in order to realize them its require commitment from school and teachers. Its also require creativity from the teacher to create the innovative learning that should related to the student condition. Its also may spent more time so teacher should planning and manage it well.


Managing teaching learning in school is how to make a good process of it. And in order to do it there was a lot of thing that’s needs to prepared and done well by the teacher. They are :

1. Developing and implementing lesson plan that useful to help the teacher to create a good learning activity.

2. Developing and implementing apperception in order to make the student ready to accept the material.

3. Developing and implementing various method of teaching that used to make the student enjoy the lesson and they can easy to understand the material.

4. Developing and implementing various media or teaching aids that help the student understand the material and make them not boring.

5. Developing and implementing various interaction

6. Developing and implementing schema for achieving student competency

7. Developing and implementing small group discussion to focused the discussion and to create the teamwork and communication skill.

8. Developing and implementing student reflection or presentation that useful to know how far the student understand the material.

9. Developing and implementing student worksheet to construct the student knowledge by their self.

10. Developing and implementing assessment that not just in order to evaluated but also to report and assess.


Peter Westwood. (2008). What Teacher Need To Know. Victoria : ACER Press.

Ruseffendi. (1980). Seri Kelima Pengejaran MAtemtika Modern.Bandung : TARSITO.