By : Dr. Marsigit
Review by : Rosalia Hera NS
Research is a ways to get the knowledge that done by a sistematic procedure that based on scientific studied. With that teacher can improve the professionalism. By the research teacher can develop the subject. Another that by the research the teacher can develop the teaching learning process. In another statement, teacher can find the innovative method to teach the student. By using the innovative teaching method that related to the global movement.
One of the approach in mathematics education research is qualitative research. The qualitative method in mathematics learning used the scientific method to find the rules, properties, and the principle of the real mathematics learning in school. The rue can be found by using the deductive or inductive method.
The experiment can be done by manipulated the variable that can be occur as qualitative so can be find the relationship with the others variables in teaching learning methods. But the universal rule can be founded in all cases of mathematics learning in a specific probability level. In that research, the researcher is a neutral person and just search the phenomenon that can be seen, can be occur with the valid and reliable instrument.
The quantitative research using the logic-hipotetiko-verify methods on this thinking, with the steps : take the problem, formulate the hypothesis about the mathematic teaching, bring the data together, analyze the data, exam the hypothesis, take the conclution, write down the report and finish. Based of the approach quantitative research in mathematics education is a research of the learning process in mathematics learning enviroment, interaction with that, try to understand the language and that meaning about mathematics learning. Because of that’s reason, the teacher must be go to the research place an d here for several times to observed or find the data that related to the research problem.
Effort to find the phenomenon in mathematics learning can be figured by the herminitic circle. When the teacher or the researcher try to find the learning aspect as a phenomenon, they must be understand that the componen is not steril. They related or conected with a lot of learning aspect and context in previous time or now. In the research, teacher can develop or inovated the mathematics learning based on the conceptual factor, value, pragmatice, empiric, or politics.
From the action of mathematics learning there are two kind of factor. They are the learning activity factor and the value factor. If the research want to correct the mathematics learning in content or the learning material so they can do the research to the student when they studied mathematics. If the researcher wants to correct the method, they need to see the context of the mathematic learn, teaching method that used by the teacher and how to coordinate the class. But if the research wants to detect the effect of the variation in learning factor that related with more than one factor they can use the correlation coefficient.
The researcher need to know about the reality of the mathematic education, mathematic education research method, mathematics learning theory, studying mathematic theory, the profecionalism of mathematics teacher, mathematics learning technology, assessment theory, international prespective, ideology of mathematics learning.
By do the research teacher can develop many aspect in teaching learning process in order to develop the education quality in mathematics. Teacher can develop the material of mathematics, teaching method,etc. by using this, the propecionalism of the teacher hopely increased.
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