By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A. , Dr. Hartono, Sahid MSC, Aryadi Wijaya MSC
Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS
Education is an important thing to develop the human resources. By developing of human resources we can build the good generation. The generation that’s have the capability to stand before science and technology development. There also mathematics educational. With the mathematics education, we can develop the human resources like said as the vision of mathematics learning. There are four points of the vision of mathematics learning. They are to exercise the thinking way or logics to get the conclusion, develop the creativity, develop the problem solving capability, and develop the capability to explain or communicate our opinion to other.
From that we can know that mathematics learning means a process to develop the mathematics capability of student in our daily live. So, the right method to teach this material in here mathematics is needed. And one of them is by Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approached. The RME is developed by the Holland mathematician, Freudhental. That opinion appeared because mathematics is a human activity so to learned its easily we need to connected it by our daily life or human activity.
Based on the law number 20, years 2003 chapter 50 verse 3 about the national education system that give an instruction to held the education in international level. So that there built some RSBI. And based on the reality the capability of the teacher in the RSBI is needed to be developed. And one of the ways to develop it is by Lesson Study. Also that’s research about. In that research, the researchers try to explain the effort to develop the pedagogic competency, profesional and society of the mathematics teacher in RSBI Junior high school by Lesson Study in SMP N 1 WATES, SMP N 1 BANTUL and SMP N 1 GALUR.
That research is a qualitative descriptive research to develop the mathematics teacher by lesson study. In here the lesson study doing by the classroom action research activity and observation by the teacher and the researcher in the school. As the other classroom action research, there are some cycles. And in this research, the researcher plans there are minimums two cycles. Start from the planning, the action and observation and the reflection.
In the first cycles, the researcher made the lesson plan, student worksheets, and some problems. Then when the teacher teach the student, the researcher observed the learning process. Then after the material was finished deliver by the teacher, the student given a test to knows the improvement. Then there are a reflection to evaluate the process. After that there are the second cycle that was the improvement of the cycle before. And it’s repeatedly until the goal indicator appear.
From the research that done from April until November 2010, we get there are different aspect of the teacher competency development that must be pressed in the tree junior high school to improve the mathematics thinking competency for student. In the SMP N Bantul there are pressed at the problem solving aspect with the RME approach. And for the SMP N I Wates, its develop the application from the discussion method in RME approach. Then for the mathematics teacher of SMP N I Galur, pressed at the investigate activity in RME approach.
The Lesson Study activity doing from one school to the other school. The observation doing by the researcher, teacher, and the collage student. Before the learning process begin, there are a coordination and reflection activity. The coordination used to know deeper about the situation in the class, as the final checking for the lesson plan, worksheet and the evaluation component that prepared by the teacher, and also to cleared again the systematic of the observation. And in the reflection section doing by : first, give a time for the teacher to explain the aspects of the learning that have been done, give a general view from the observer, to ask about the pedagogic activity of teacher, kind and the reason, to ask about the student activity, do an interview to the teacher about the instrument of the research, do an interview to the student about the instrument of the research too, concluded the result of the firs cycle and planning for the next cycle.
Based on that’s research, the teacher competency in develop the RME approach part that develop is : advantaged of the real world to dig up the mathematics concept, to make the mathematics concept, to built the mathematics knowledge, and to develop mathematic in a abstract formal form. And in the developed mathematic thinking part contain of : try to ask, try to understand the mathematic problem, try to find the mathematic problem, try to solve the problem, try to connected one part of mathematic to the other one, try to use the data to solve a problem, try to write and communicate the problem solving activity, try to arrange the mathematic object.
The competency in the development of problem solving activity that can develop is : make the relevant mathematic/ can dig up mathematic in our daily life, can use mathematic to solve our daily problem, can use a lot of kind of learning resource, the opinion to solve the problem is pure appears from the own experience, can solve the mathematic problem, can translate mathematics problem.
The competency in the development of discussion method that can be develop is : understand and concluded the other people opinion, the opinion was pure, origin, free and consist of initiation, discussion capability that supported by a self believer, language capability and a good personal relation, can solve the mathematic problem, and discuss to all direction(student and another teacher).
The competency in the development of mathematic thinking method that can be develop is: inductive thinking, analogy thinking, deductive thinking, integrative thinking, development thinking, abstract thinking, simplify thinking, make a conclusion, thinking about the special things, use symbol, and use a statement with number, quantity, and picture.
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