Senin, 19 September 2011


By : Drs. Marsigit MA

Review by : Rosalia Hera NS

KTSP, who didn’t know about that, expecially for academic people. Yes, KTSP is a curriculum that use in the Indonesian school. That’s curriculum use from the elementary until high school. In the process to apply that’s curriculum in school there are some problems. Teacher as the top lance of the educational activity, should understand the phylosophy and the concept of the KTSP deeper. In KTSP teacher is the one who develop the curriculum. They have a big influence to the curriculum.

In the government degree number 25 years 2000, education and cultural part, government has authority to fixed: 1) the competency standard of student and learning people and the arrangement of the national curriculum and the national priced of the result of the study and the tutorial to do it. 2) the main subject material standard. Then, because teacher is the people who nearest with the student, the enviroment of the class, and the facility, so in KTSP teacher has authority to expand and develop the curriculum into syllabus.

KTSP is an operational curriculum that made and done by each school. By using that’s curriculum, hope the education in Indonesia will be develop and the learning process will be effective. It’s because the KTSP is based on the class situation. KTSP develop by follow that’s principles :

· Centered at student and environment potency, needed

· Diversity and united

· Responsible with the development of science, technology and art

· Relevant with what life need

· Over all and related

· balance among the national needed and the place needed

And the component of KTSP is the goal of the education in the school and the operational model to made the curriculum. Then the structure of KTSP is the religion and good attitude group, citizen, science ant thechnology, sport. And the subject is : subject, local subject, development of skill activity, arrangement of the study, graduated, softskill, education based on local and global best. Another that school must be create their own academic calendar. But th calendar must be checked with the standard that given by the government.

In order to support the KTSP, the syllabus develop is needed. The syllabus develop based on principle : scientific, relevant, sistematic, consisten, actual and contekstual, flekcible, and menyeluruh. In the way to develop the syllabus teacher must be take an attention to the competency standard and base competency, identify the main material, develop the study experience, the success indicator, the evaluated, time allocation and the reference.

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