Minggu, 25 September 2011



By : Drs. Marsigit MA

Reviewed by : Rosalia Hera NS

If we seen mathematics from the material we can said that mathematics is a concrete thing, figure or cube models, a colourfull symbol of big or small numbers, a square pond, pyramid in Egypt, wide, etc. According to formal, mathematics divides into pure mathematics, axiomatic math, formal math or mathematic that use the deductive ways to definite. According to norm, we can’t just studying that’s according to formal and norm, but also must be related by the value in the deep of mathematics. And according to the metaphysic, mathematics has a multidimensional meaning and value that just can get by metacongnitive ways. Culturalize mathematics in school is one of the consciousness there are some dimension of mathematics, learning behaviour and develop it that support by the knowledge about method and mathematics content, so got the ability to do the mathematics activity.

Culturalize the mathematics in school has many understanding aspect about mathematics reality, reality of mathematics in school, reality of mathematics education, reality value of mathematics, reality of learning mathematics, reality of mathematics teaching learning process, reality of culturalized the mathematics in school. Or we can say that in this section we will discuss about two related thing, there are the object and the method. Mathematics, mathematics education, learning mathematics, etc has meaning of the object. And how to think about that called the method.

Like what discussed before, according to the material mathematics object can be a concret things, figure or model of cubes, a colourfull symbol of big or small number, a square pond, etc. or we can said that the object of mathematics is around our enviroment. An according to the formal object, mathematics object is a thinking things. The thinking thing gets from the concrete things by doing abstraction and idealisasion. Abstraction is an activity that’s just take a specific properties. And the idealisasion is a activity that suppose the properties is perfect.

If we want to descript how to culturalized mathematics in school so we should thinking about the mathematics education, mathematics learning, mathematics thinking, etc. Katagiri (2004) descript that mathematical thinking consist of tree aspect. They are mathematics behaviour, methods to thinking mathematics, and mathematics content. Mathematics behaviour showed by the indicators happy to study mathematics, attitude that support mathematics learning, enaoght knowledge to learning mathematics, curious, asking ability, ability to gets skill and experience of mathematics.

According to the pragmatic, we can said that mathematics is a sets of true values taht consist of theorems and the prove. In other side, phylosophy of mathematics appear when we wanted responsibility about the true of mathematics. The difference of phylosopy of mathematics that used makes the differences in the practice and result of mathematics education. Culturalize mathematics is an implication from understanding the important of reflection the mathematics activity by learning mathematics and mathematics education in many dimension. So that, culturized mathematics have a meaning how far we can do the activity in wants, attitude, knowledge, ability and mathematics experience, mathematics education and mathematics learning. Culturalized mathematics can be done based on understanding about the mathematics knowledge that objectively and mathematics attitude that has subjectively properties in the effort to gets the justify about the trued of mathematics by kreation, formulate, representation, publication and inyteraction. According to explicit, culturalize mathematics based on :

1. Mathematics knowledge in many dimensions that consist of reality, trued adn the event.

2. Mathematics object in many dimension that consist of reality and where they come from.

3. The formal used of mathematics that consist of the efectivitation in science, techology and the other knowledge

4. Mathematics practices in many dimension in general.

To culturalized the matematics in the school we can by using the learning and the matematics comunication. It’s can be started by definite the reality of mathematics in school. Ebbutt, S and Straker, A (1995) definite the mathematics in school as mathematics activity is an activity to search the pattren and relation, mathematics activity needs creativity, imajinatation, intuisi and found, activity and results of mathematics needs to comunicated, problem solving activity is a part of mathematics activity, alogaritm is a procedure to find the answers of mathematics problem, and society interaction needs in mathematics activity. In the learning process, teacher should be the facilitator for the student so they can learn optimally.

To culturalize mathematics we need to communicate its in many dimension. Its the based part of hermenitika to culturalize mathematic. Mathematics communication is a sharp of vitality from the correlation potential that’s has showed properties or dettermineted. Another that’s, there are material of mathematics communication to. The material communication is a horizontal properties from the vitality direction. There are also a formal communication of mathematics that showed by the properties of correlation between the vitality potency. And then, there are normative communication that symbolized by the properties of showing correlation became solid. Then, spiritual communication showed by the correlation between the concept of mathematics.

Culturalize the mathematics to gets good generation can be done by inovated the mathematics learning in school. The inovative learning must be answer the challenge that’s appear in teaching learning process. Such as how to use the enviroment in the teaching learning process, etc.

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